Επιστολή κρατουμένων απεργών πείνας στις κεντρικές φυλακές (En)

Από την Δευτέρα 24 Οκτωβρίου 2011 52 άνθρωποι μετανάστες κρατούμενοι (από τους 65 συνολικά) στο μπλοκ 10 των Κεντρικών Φυλακών Κύπρου κατέρχονται σε απεργία πείνας ως έσχατο μέτρο πίεσης για διεκδίκηση όλων αυτών των δικαιωμάτων τους που έπρεπε να είναι αυτονόητα

Dear Sir/Madam,
We the detainees in the immigration detention,block 10, Nicosia central prison, kindly write and humbly solicit for your urgent assistance in mitigating in our unjustifiable detention. our cases are enormous ranging from unjustifiable detention against the clear decision of the supreme court of Cyprus; long detention period of over six months, denying international students of the asses to complete their degree and so on.
on these, we feel neglected and compelled to notify your institutions of the existing situation inhere which is pitiable and unacceptable.
As a way of calling for concern from  appropriate human rights quarters and institution, we are collectively on a hunger strike since Monday the 24th of October 2011and intend to push with this peace agenda until we get attention from the authority inspite of the health consequences.
We wish  to state categorically that, this decision is not a threat but rather an appeal and an expression for your assistance at this time of our great travails for your timely and urgent assistance.
we are confident that your prestigious institutions and goodwill offices will be of huge assistance to our unjustified detention and sorry situation.
while we wait for your quick response,
Thank you in anticipation
Yours faithfully,
Block 10 Detainees.
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